One of the best things to do when looking for a coach to work with you is to setup a block of time where you can go and watch him/her work with another athlete.
Get to the session early, preferably before the scheduled athlete arrives and be on the lookout for the following:
- Relationship- How does the coach interact with the athlete? Is it more like blind obedience or a partnership?
- Communication- How does the coach speak to the athlete? Is it a do what I say approach? Or are there open questions and vivid examples used during explanations?
- Clarity- Is the coach speaking in such a way that the athlete clearly understands what is being expected of him or her?
- Connection- Is there a visible bond between the coach and the athlete? How does the coach motiviate, encourage, and inspire the athlete? Especially during times of frustation?
These are just a few of the key areas to observe when looking for the right coach for you.
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